Data is everywhere and the biggest challenge is the quality of the data. The field of property management is complex and requires being proactive, efficient and pragmatic.
of business users need quality data in their decision-making processes
The quality of the data is essential and it must be admitted that not everything is perfect. Data is the result of our business processes: it highlights our strengths and weaknesses. We should not expect data to be perfect, it probably never will be; however, we should pay particular attention to key data that have a strong impact on the organisation. A data culture cannot be improvised, it is built over time and requires a strong impetus from the management teams.
Real estate significantly reduce the time needed to set up a business intelligence platform by using SMART
You have to admit your mistakes and not be afraid to rethink your foundations. SMART has not escaped this rule, which is why we are constantly evolving our solutions. The 2021 edition, the second major release of our solution, is based on the best technological components on the market and allows for the rapid deployment of pragmatic solutions. We are convinced that the technology exists; it is necessary to use it to create real business solutions.
of operational teams say they are able to produce the right results on time
Accessibility to data is a real issue. Users are constantly being asked to produce new reports and to contribute their expertise and know-how. They must be able to produce analyses on reliable, secure and compliant data. Nothing is worse than producing results that are questioned by a sceptical audience. A global and common repository considerably reduces this risk: each consumer actively participates in increasing the quality of his or her data and thus of the whole community.
of those who use storytelling say they are able to back up their statements with factual information
The storytelling functions allow you to support your words with tangible visuals and factual data. When you rely on facts, it is much easier to achieve your objectives. Trust and agreed-upon facts are the key to audience acceptance. The use of dynamic applications, coupled with powerful storytelling features, can instantly answer the famous question that would probably have embarrassed us with a simple static report.
The applications linked to the effective management rate allow you to calculate the real effective management rate on the basis of your statements. It can take into account major works, renovations, vouchers, etc.
The management of your rental situation is based on the analysis of all key elements of your organisation: owners, groups of owners, buildings, objects, vacancies, tenants, leases, etc. All this data is part of the common data repository.
The applications dedicated to proprietary allow you to give visibility and transparency on your mandates. They are designed for your owners and integrate seamlessly with your infrastructure: website, tablets and smartphones.
Good visibility of operational teams supports the transformation of your organisation. Data is factual and accessible to the right people at the right time.
The applications linked to the effective management rate allow you to calculate the real effective management rate on the basis of your statements. It can take into account major works, renovations, vouchers, etc.
The management of your rental situation is based on the analysis of all key elements of your organisation: owners, groups of owners, buildings, objects, vacancies, tenants, leases, etc. All this data is part of the common data repository.
The applications dedicated to proprietary allow you to give visibility and transparency on your mandates. They are designed for your owners and integrate seamlessly with your infrastructure: website, tablets and smartphones.
Good visibility of operational teams supports the transformation of your organisation. Data is factual and accessible to the right people at the right time.
Staging and a scalable data warehouse, designed for the business needs of real estate agencies.
A generic data model that allows you to quickly have a global data analytics platform. The data comes from your information systems and is integrated into the import area of the HUB, then automatically processed to the final data hub. A single, global data model for all of your business activities.
Out-of-the-box applications, reference templates and ad-hoc dashboard design tools to facilitate and accelerate adoption.
Starting from scratch is not easy; existing applications allow you to grasp the data and quickly get into an operational context that makes sense. Embedded technology allows you to customise applications and tailor the user experience to your many needs. You are in control and can quickly create your own applications on your own.
A centralised dictionary of business data, standardised and available to create your applications independently.
KPIs, measures, attributes and other usage data are centralised in a data dictionary designed for the business. The indicators are documented and accessible via an application to find the right information in a few clicks. In addition to the standardisation of measures, the data dictionary allows the same language to be spoken: a homogeneous definition, a common understanding and consistent data.
The Data Connector is a set of processes for processing a business data source (ERP) in the Data-HUB.
The main role of the connector is to map the data between the source system and the HUB import area. All data comes from your source systems; there is no format or type transformation required. The Data-HUB has been designed to be able to support the main standard data sources on the market.
Any data source can be integrated into your analytical platform.
From our experience, we know that our customers have not waited for the magic solution and have built many business applications. This data is a real asset and we must be able to capitalise on it. The Framework has been designed to be able to consume this data without questioning its origin.
It is not necessary to systematically go through the Framework to make new data available to the business.
Normalised data accessible in a Cloud Data Market can be directly integrated into a Business Data Lake. The BDL acts as a data concentrator and aggregator and enables the integration of numerous heterogeneous data sources.
The processing of data quality is part of a company strategy. SMART tools allow you to industrialise the controls and the management of quality controls.
A rules engine allows the necessary checks to be carried out throughout the data integration process to guarantee data quality and conformity. The controls cover unit quality, integrity, evolution of indicators over time and a whole set of business rules organised by context.
A Staging and Data-HUB designed for your industry’s data.
A generic data model that allows you to quickly have a global data analytics platform. The data comes from your information systems and is integrated into the import area of the HUB, then processed automatically up to the final data hub. A single, global data model to manage your business data.
Discover the Data Connector of the main ERP real estate companies on the market.
Discover our Data-HUBs designed for your business data.